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Feng Shui Your Financial House

4 Small & Easy Financial Tasks You Must Do Before Year-End

Missing Money Deadlines Can Be Costly

Mariko O. Gordon, CFA


Cultivating financial security is not a one-and-done thing.

It’s like staying in shape or having a healthy relationship.

Success lies in the mundane — The thousand small decisions we make every day.

There is no expiration date on taking care of our wealth, health, and relationships. Until we draw our last breath, this responsibility is always with us.

Every time we eat, spend, or say something to our loved ones, we choose an action that brings us closer or further away from our goals.

There is no deadline, in other words.

2022, on the other hand, has an expiration date.

And some financial matters need to be resolved by 12/31.

Here’s your Financial Feng Shui task:

Put on your to-do list all the things that MUST be done by year-end.

Here are a few suggestions:

Spend down your HSA (Health Savings Account) or any other “use it or lose it” benefits.



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