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Do You Know What Your Business Longs To Be?

The weird superpower of being able to see what a business wants to be

Mariko O. Gordon, CFA


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I have a weird superpower.

In the same way, you can picture an oak tree when you hold an acorn, I can see what your business or business idea would look like, fully grown. I often see it more clearly than the person whose business or idea it is.

Ideas live in the realm of potential but want to be made real here.

This is not a new concept. Liz Gilbert writes about this in her book Big Magic, and writer Steven Pressfield talks about it on Tim Ferris’ podcast. Many artists have felt tugged or even possessed(!) by an idea that demanded they create them into being. And if the intended host doesn’t cooperate, the idea will move on to someone else.

This is also true of businesses and their creators.

Business ideas want to be made real. Businesses are complex systems — living, dynamic and ever-changing. As a business owner, your business life is your performance art. When you grow, learn new skills, and adapt to a changing landscape, your business will also morph.

At times, it will demand more of you than you think you can deliver. Your business may have bigger plans than…



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